Why Is Everyone Interested In Our Tantric Massage Services In Bond Street?
Tantric massages are a type of massage that focuses on bringing you total relaxation to help eliminate any stress or worries that you may have, all while arousing your body to a point of climax. We believe that mental and physical pleasure are linked very closely and that they go hand in hand, that is why we offer erotic services to help you experience this combination. Everyone needs a break or getaway at times, and what better way to release pressure or tension than through a powerful orgasm? All of our massages are intense and intimate, and a truly unique experience.
We now have a tantric massage parlour near Bond Street for the lovely local residents and visitors to the area. We are very accessible and are based close to transport links such as Maryland tube station. For the privacy of our clients, we make sure that your time with us is as discreet as possible, that is why we also offer outcall services to the Bond Street area. One thing is for sure, you need to experience what our tantric massage London services are really like for yourself!
What Else Can We Provide For You When You Visit Us In Bond Street
We have some amazing prices for our clients and a wide range of services to choose from. Our most popular massages are our happy ending massage (massage with handjob £120) and our full service massage (massage with handjob, blowjob and sex £160). We also offer many other fun and exciting extras for you to enjoy for around just £20 more, such as a lingam massage, prostate massage, French kissing, reverse oral, fetishes and role play. Our Nuru massage is only £30 extra, and you can also request a 4 hands massage or couples massage. We are proud to cater to all your needs and desires and want to make all your tantric dreams a reality.
Why Our Girls Are Known For Giving The Best Tantric Massage
Our gorgeous Bond Street girls come from China, Korea and Japan and have been trained at some of the best massage therapy schools across Asia. The girls are at the top of their league and their beauty, dedication and hard work set them above other massage companies in London. They have a deep passion for their profession, as well as an educated knowledge of both the mental and physical benefits tantric massages can have for the body and mind. These girls have come to the U.K to share their special talent with you, so why not book one of them today to try out a life-changing experience? You can choose the masseuse you want by viewing our girls on our website’s gallery.
Call us today on 07767966512 to book an appointment and to try one of our tantric massage Bond Street services.